The go to magazine for Americans needing to know about the UK and services it has to offer to make their transition smooth.
My wife and I enjoy reading your magazine - it is brilliant! Over the years we have made use of several of the professional firms who have either advertised or written articles in the magazine, including Fragomen and Satis. Thank you!
Over the years, the American in Britain magazine has become a true friend by informing me of current happenings. AIB is a beautifully created publication and the current edition is sitting proudly on my coffee table. Each new publication is my go-to guide for current events, theatre recommendations, Expat tax info and helpful advice for my own American life in Britain.
I look forward to receiving my copy of American in Britain every quarter. It's my link to the American expat community spread out across the UK. It's always full of useful and relevant information for Americans residing over here.